Revolution Plastics and Minnesota Milk Producers Association need more recycling container sign-ups in the Sauk Centre area for the program to be sustainable. These are free dumpsters (which you will need to pick up the first time), and there are more deployments planned for June. However, Central Minnesota sign-ups have been slow. In other areas, for each dumpster placed on a farm, another call came in to Revolution Plastics to request another dumpster. In Central Minnesota, 500 dumpsters resulted in only 60 calls, shocking the staff in comparison to their previous deployments.
If you could recycle plastic on your farm, know a neighbor who can, or see another business (grain elevator, as an example) with a lot of ag plastic, please sign up or forward this on to help make the program sustainable. This will also expand it into surrounding counties, shrinking the cost per ton and allowing it to continue to flourish. Stearns, Morrison, Douglas, Pope, Otter Tail, Meeker, Todd, and Wadena counties are the area the needs more concentration, then surrounding counties can be signed up. Please sign up whether you are in the zone or not (unless you already have).
Non-ag plastic debris could ruin program:
The first pickup in Stearns County included some unacceptable materials, hidden in the middle or bottom of recycling bins. These situations will cease recycling on those farms, and could cease an entire route or region if the problem persists. The bins clearly state what is and is not acceptable, please ensure compliance to help us keep this program going.
Otherwise, sign up at, email, or call 844-490-7873.